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A space where you can see how our preparation is going to come out of lockdown as churches

As of 9th July, we are still receiving latest guidance on how churches can come out of lockdown on a daily basis. It is not clear yet when that will settle down though I suspect we’ve had most of it now.

10 July 2020

Centre for the Resolution of Conflicts (Centre Resolution Conflits) wins UNESCO award.

We are currently moving through resource group and PCC meetings over the next couple of weeks to consult on our risk assessments and a viable and safe process of restarting worship in our church buildings. Guidance is still arriving on a regular basis, sometimes conflicting - the government advice rather than the Diocesan advice which has been as helpful as possible in the circumstances.

Currently we are opening our church buildings for private prayer for a session a week and by arrangement Monday to Thursday

St Augustine's Church
St Augustine's is open for private prayer or to join our team in gardening on Tuesday mornings and at least one of our Vicar and Youth Worker is usually working from our offices here Monday to Thursdays. We have morning prayer at 9.30am on Monday morning and at 9.00am Tuesday and Thursday morning and you are welcome to join us for that.

On Wednesdays we discuss the bible readings together and catch up with whoever wants to join us for Zoom Morning Prayer. On Thursday evenings we have a regular Zoom online home group which all are welcome to join. Please ask for a link by emailing

You can ring 01274 775885 to arrange other times Monday to Thursday or to fix a walk or a chat with Rosy the Vicar.

St Clements Church
At St Clements the church is available for private prayer or to join our gardening team on Monday afternoons and I'm available some of that time to talk or to pray with you. You may need to ring 07483 276505 to be let in as I'm on my own there and need to work some of the time from the office or garden. You are welcome to join our volunteer gardening team at other times by arrangement.

Anchor Project staff (Anchor Project is our church related community project are operating sometimes from the building and will meet with individuals at church by arrangement.

You can ring this number to arrange other times Monday to Thursday or to fix a walk or a chat with Rosy the Vicar.

On Wednesdays we discuss the bible readings together and catch up with whoever wants to join us for Zoom Morning Prayer. On Thursday evenings we have a regular Zoom online home group which all are welcome to join. Please ask for a link by emailing


Heart & Anchor Benefice Office,

St Augustines Church, Otley Road, Bradford BD3 0DR, UK

Phone: 01274 775885

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The Heart and Anchor Churches in Bradford BD3

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