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Bradford Episcopal Area Forum

On Wednesday the 19th of May at 7pm, you are invited to join us at the Bradford Episcopal Area Forum that will take place on Zoom due to the COVID-19 restrictions.

15th April

Centre for the Resolution of Conflicts (Centre Resolution Conflits) wins UNESCO award.

On Wednesday the 19th of May at 7pm, you are invited to join us at the Bradford Episcopal Area Forum that will take place on Zoom due to the COVID-19 restrictions. It is a great opportunity to connect with other people from different churches and communities across our city and to join together as one, as we impact the city of Bradford together.

The BEAF meeting will be no longer than 1.5 hours and will have the focus of sharing experiences of church during the pandemic. This will be a great way to encourage one another and learn from one another as we continue to build church in the pandemic and to consider different ways that we can build church creatively despite some of the restrictions.
If you would like to join, the Zoom link is:
You can simply click on this link and it will automatically link you to the Zoom page.
We look forward to seeing you there!

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