Latest News
Remembrance Day with our Muslim friends
This was a Remembrance time like no other. As with most churches, our Sunday Remembrance service was online, so we decided to do actual Acts of Remembrance outside our churches facing the street on Remembrance Day itself. Our friends Hak and Busra, Turkish asylum seekers who first made contact at St Augustines looking for help a while ago, joined us
11 November 2020
St Clement’s plans to warm up and go green
St Clement’s has been working hard with the Anchor Project to prepare a plan to warm up our building, both literally and metaphorically. We are now at the point where we would usually pin up a notice on our church door to have a consultation period for our plans now they’ve been agreed by the church planning authority. As we’re in lockdown, we have been asked to tell of our plans on our website and social media instead, in case there are any objections.
13 November 2020
Centre for the Resolution of Conflicts (Centre Resolution Conflits) wins UNESCO award
UNESCO will award the 2020 edition of the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence to the nongovernmental Centre Résolution Conflits (Centre for Resolution of Conflicts - CRC) in the Democratic Republic of Congo on 15 October 2020.
15 October 2020
A space where you can see how our preparation is going to come out of lockdown as churches
As of 9th July, we are still receiving latest guidance on how churches can come out of lockdown on a daily basis. It is not clear yet when that will settle down though I suspect we’ve had most of it now.
10 July 2020
Covid-19 Update - Letter from Bishop Nick
To all parishes in the Diocese of Leeds
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are living through challenging and extraordinary times. The church, committed to the real world and the communities in which we are set, has continued to worship and serve despite the restrictions. Given the nature of the virus, it will be some time before we emerge into something resembling ‘normality’. We have to be clear and honest about that.
10 July 2020