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Job Advert for Part Time Administrator St Augustine’s Church Bradford BD3

We seek a part-time administrator at St Augustine’s Church, Bradford BD3
1.5 days a week – hours flexible
Applications in by 6th September
Interview 14th September

23 August 2020

The Rev'd Rose Fairhurst

Centre for the Resolution of Conflicts (Centre Resolution Conflits) wins UNESCO award.

St Augustine’s has had a part-time Administrator for 30 plus years. Andrea, our last Administrator, left at
the end of October. Rosy Fairhurst, who came as Incumbent to the Benefice in September 2018 gets a
grant of a day a week towards support because of her ADHD. This condition means that she struggles
with project planning and administration, so the Administrator needs to be aware of this and willing and
able to support appropriately. Currently half of this grant is going towards comms support, but the other
two days a month could be extra hours for the new Administrator. St Clement’s, our sister church in the
Benefice has just started contributing to the cost of the post, recognising that a lot of the administrator’s
work benefits them too.
For more information please visit:

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