Sunday Service
God loves to bless His children, and Today he has a New Powerful Message to you that you’ve never imagined!
We want to stand with you in faith today.
We trust that God’s timing is perfect. Don’t miss what He has for you!
The Ongoing Journey
It is the third Sunday in Lent and we will continue to follow Jesus' journey to the cross. It is an all age service that we would love for you to get involved with!

A House of Nurture: Bible Study
Our final week of the series "A House of Nurture" approaches, as we look a Bible Study as a church. Maybe you find it quite difficult to get into reading your bible and really understanding what it is saying?! You are certainly not alone! But as a church, we believe it is foundational to really know the Word of God in order to really know who God is. We want to be lead by Him and for His Word to be a foundational stone of the church. So we need to look together at how we approach the Word of God and how to really understand what it wants to speak to us today.

A House of Nurture: Worship
We are over half way into our four week series, "A House of Nurture". Thank you everyone who has been on Sundays and to the midweek Thursday meetings and taken time to pray and discuss how our churches can become houses of nurture! This week we are looking forward to unpacking worship in our all age service! See you there.

A House of Nurture: Children and Youth, the Roof
We are up to part two of our series, a House of Nurture. This week will be looking at the roof of the house: the Youth and Children in our churches. Let's look together at how Jesus spoke about young people and join as a community to invest in the young people we have!

House of Nurture: Prayer, the Foundation.
We will be kicking off our series "The House of Nuture" with looking at the foundation of the house - Prayer. Join us as Robin shares with us about the power of prayer and its role as the foundation on which we build a House of Nurture.
Watching and Praying
Watching and Praying - dive into Scriptures with us as we unpack what it looks like to 'watch and pray'. We will also spend some time praying together as a community!

St Augustine's Roots and Fruits
St Augustine's Church will be looking together at the relationship between Roots and Fruits and how the roots we have in our lives, produce the fruit we see! We're excited to have Robin Gamble preach the word this Sunday morning! St Clement's Church will be celebrating "The Wedding Feast" in a special all-age service with food together as a community afterwards! We are especially excited that the Rt Rev'd Toby Howarth, the Bishop of Bradford will be joining us for this week's service!

Christingle Service
We are really looking forward to our joint, all-age, Christingle Service, where we will come together as a benefice to create our own Christingles and understand the purpose of them. Robin Gamble will be joining us to preach an encouraging message about "the Light of the World" and what that means in our lives. We would love to see you there!

Wiping Every Tear
Join us for our All Saints Services at both churches.

What do you want me to do for you?
We are excited to have Rev. Nick Clews join us this Sunday for our service at St Augustine's speaking on the topic of "What do you want me to do for you?" as Jesus asked blind Bartimaeus. St Clement's will be having their all-age service at 10:30 with some fun, interactive activities to get us all thinking about ourselves as the body of Christ and what we have to offer both collectively as a church and uniquely as individuals.

This Sunday we will be gathering as a church to talk about the Body of Christ and how we each play a unique role in the Body! We will look at how we build together and strengthen one another. This week is also an all age service and there will be a little more interaction than normal! So we look forward to seeing you there!

Approaching Like a Child
This Sunday we would love for you to join our service at 10:00 at St Augustine‘s or 10:30 at St Clement‘s! This week, we will be looking together at what Jesus meant when he encouraged us to receive the kingdom of God like a child. We're looking forward to uncovering what that means together and seeing how that can grow our own faith.