Sunday Services
St Augustine's
10.00 a.m.
We have a shorter all-age service
on the third Sunday of the month
at St Augustine's.
St Clement's
10.30 a.m.
We have a shorter all-age service
on the fourth Sunday of the month
at St Clement's.

We especially look forward to welcoming children and young people to St Augustine’s
and St Clement’s
this Sunday morning.
As well as our Sunday Services, St Augustine’s is open every Tuesday from 10am -12pm as a Warm Space and a Place of Welcome. Come and join us for some tea, coffee, cakes and conversation. All are welcome!
St Clement’s is open for Anchor Project activities during the week. Please visit the Anchor Project website for more information.
Visits can be arranged to both churches.
Get in touch via our Office on 01274 775885 or
A Message
from the Bible
Listen to one of our past sermons.

Home Group
We currently have three home groups across our two churches that take place on selective Thursday nights. Here we engage in bible study, discipleship and worship. Please contact Rosy on if you’d like to join a home group.